Book review: 『殺人現場は雲の上』by Keigo Higashino

Cover of 殺人現場は雲の上. The cover is black with just the title and name of the author printed in a big white font across the cover.
Title: 殺人現場は雲の上 (さつじんげんばはくものうえ)
First published: 1989
Page Count: 287
新日本航空スチュワーデスのABコンビといえば、早瀬英子ことエー子、藤真美子ことビー子の二人組。ルックスも性格も正反対の二人は社内でも有名な大の仲良し。しかし、二人がフライトで遭遇するのは奇妙な謎だった⁉ ホテルで殺された乗客、シートに残された赤ちゃん、遺書の落とし物……。聡明なエー子とおっちょこちょいなビー子の二人が推理に挑む!

I bought this book thinking it was a novel (there is nothing that indicates otherwise on the cover, and I didn’t read the summary on the back to avoid spoilers), and I was wondering if it would hint at Christie’s novel Death in the Clouds (it does not).

It turns out that this is a collection of 7 different stories featuring the same two flight attendants (and their colleagues) who solve crime and mysteries happening either on the plane or on the ground but linked to a certain flight.

It was a nice, relaxing read, entertaining enough with good mysteries and clever outcomes. However, it also felt like reading one of these lighter mysteries where the case consists in finding out who stole the umbrella or where is the missing macaron. In 『殺人現場は雲の上』we are confronted with murder, but the tone is rather light and the procedures not realistic. For example, we often see the police sharing key information with our protagonists, who then help the police to solve the case.

I am personally not a fan of this genre of cosy, lighter mysteries, so I enjoyed 『殺人現場は雲の上』less than other books by Higashino. I also found one of the character to be too cliché.

This being said, these stories were entertaining enough and easy to read, so I don’t regret reading it, even though I would not particularly recommend it either.

I’m learning Japanese, Korean and Chinese to read mystery novels and play video games in these languages.

Learning languages has always been one of my favourite hobbies, but I’m not a social person, I don’t like to meet new people and make friends, this is just not me. I keep hearing that languages are meant for communication, that we have to actively use them, talk with natives, etc. and for a long time, I thought it was weird to learn languages just to read books, with zero interest in communication.

Now I don’t really care what people think, and this blog helped me a lot to stop doubting myself and just do what I enjoy doing.