I know that I should not be starting a new book right now, but this is what happened: The Drama I started watching the drama 『ビブリア古書堂の事件手帖』and I liked it very much. Then I learnt that the drama was an adaptation of a light novel by author En MIKAMI (三上延). Some days later, I found this..
Currently Reading: 『リカーシブル』by Honobu YONEZAWA
『リカーシブル』by Honobu YONEZAWA (米澤穂信) 『リカーシブル』by Honobu YONEZAWA (米澤穂信) is the last novel on my reading challenge list of 2018, and I want to read it before the end of the year. It took me two weeks to go through the first pages, though. I knew that to finish this book before December, 31st, I had..
Currently reading: 『探偵倶楽部』by Keigo HIGASHINO
I still have three books to read this year to complete my 2018 reading challenge and 『探偵倶楽部』(たんていくらぶ) is one of them. It is a collection of five short stories, featuring the mysterious "Membership Detective Club". I already read the first two short stories and I plan to read the third one in November. The membership..
Currently Reading: 『手紙』by Keigo HIGASHINO
I will stick to my resolution to always be reading a book by Keigo HIGASHINO. I found that reading several books at the same time in Japanese is the best way to avoid loss of interest or discouragement. 『手紙』, 東野圭吾, 文春文庫 I am so sure that I will love any book by Higashino that I..
Currently reading: 『こころ』by 夏目漱石
I have always considered that reading Soseki in Japanese would be one of the greatest achievement of this whole Japanese journey. Since I heard from a Japanese that reading Soseki was hard for Japanese too, I thought I would keep it for "when I am fluent" or something like that. [caption id="attachment_13046" align="alignright" width="194"] 『こころ』by..
Currently reading: 『日本語びいき』by 清水由美
Once again, I find myself reading several books at the same time! I could not resist this book's title and cover: [caption id="attachment_13017" align="alignleft" width="272"] 『日本語びいき』by 清水由美, illustrated by ヨシタケシンスケ, 中公文庫[/caption] 『日本語びいき』 is written by a Japanese teacher who teaches Japanese to foreigners. From what she writes in her forewords, I guess that there was/is..
Currently reading: 『未来のミライ』by 細田守
Some months ago Topple commented on one of my posts to recommend the collection 角川つばさ文庫 (collection "Tsubasa" of the publisher Kadokawa). I have been on the lookout for a book of this collection since then and finally spotted one in a bookshop the other day: 『未来のミライ』by 細田守 (ほそだ・まもる). The collection First of all, let's talk about..
Currently Reading: 『流星の絆』by 東野圭吾
[caption id="attachment_12973" align="alignleft" width="195"] 『流星の絆』by 東野圭吾, 講談社文庫[/caption] To me, the best way to start reading again after a long period of trials and errors is to start a novel by Keigo HIGASHINO. The magic worked this time too, with the novel 『流星の絆』(りゅうせい の きずな). It is a very long novel (617 pages), but I am confident..
Currently Reading: 『往復書簡』by 湊かなえ
I was very excited to start a new book by Kanae MINATO! I have read only one book from this author before, but it is clearly one of my favourite books. I was looking forward to reading another story by Kanae MINATO and was full of expectations when I finally opened 『往復書簡』. The fact that..
Currently Reading: 「それでも、日本人は戦争を選んだ」by 加藤陽子
I have finally given up reading 「朝鮮開国と日清戦争」by Soki WATANABE because the more I read, the more difficult the book becomes. I was unlucky in my choice when I picked a History book, I should have bought a popular book written for a large public. Watanabe's book was maybe too specialised for me. As I don't..
Currently reading: 「私のクラスの生徒が、一晩で24人死にました。」by 日向奈くらら
Even if I still haven't finished the novel 「光」, I started a new book of my reading challenge: 「私のクラスの生徒が、一晩で24人死にました。」by 日向奈くらら (ひむかな くらら). It has an English title, which is "24 students in my class died overnight". To be frank, when I returned from my haul in Kyoto and listed up all the 13 books I had..
Currently reading: 「虚ろな十字架」by 東野圭吾
I am a little frustrated with some of the books I am reading at the moment, and I sometimes avoid reading at all because the books I have are either too difficult or not that interesting to me. This is why I thought that I could always have a novel by Keigo HIGASHINO as back..