Currently reading: 「君たちはどう生きるか」by 吉野源三郎

[caption id="attachment_media-365" align="alignright" width="177"] Cover of the novel[/caption] If you live in Japan or stay in touch with recent Japanese publications, you certainly have come across the title 「君たちはどう生きるか」by 吉野源三郎(よしの・げんざぶろう). Though not living in Japan, I happened to see several times the cover of the manga version of this book but never really paid attention..

Currently reading: 「朝鮮開国と日清戦争」by 渡辺惣樹

Some days ago, I saw this book piled up in a bookshop in Seoul: 「朝鮮開国と日清戦争 アメリカはなぜ日本を支持し、朝鮮を見限ったか」by 渡辺惣樹 (わたなべ・そうき) [caption id="attachment_12361" align="alignleft" width="205"] 「朝鮮開国と日清戦争」by 渡辺惣樹  (草思社文庫)[/caption] They have a decent selection of non-fiction books in Japanese, but not so much space that they would pile up a lot of titles. So naturally, my attention was drawn to this..

Currently reading:「イノセント・デイズ」by 早見和真

Time again to choose a book from my reading challenge list! I hesitated a long time before picking 「イノセント・デイズ」by 早見和真(はやみ・かずまさ) I would like to say a word about why I bought this book when I was in Kyoto last December. I didn't know what it was at the time, but I saw something like this:

Currently reading: 「世界は終わらない」 by 益田ミリ

I am still reading the novel 「彼女がその名を知らない鳥たち」but I allow myself some breaks with Miri MASUDA's manga 「世界は終わらない」. I already knew Miri MASUDA through her yonkoma manga series 「すーちゃん」, a total of 4 books that follow the daily life of a 30-year-old woman, working in a café and reflecting on her future while dealing with everyday's..

Currently reading: 「彼女がその名を知らない鳥たち」by 沼田まほかる

I am reading the third book of my 2018 reading challenge! My challenge was to read a book per month, and I am well ahead of schedule. The book I chose is 「彼女がその名を知らない鳥たち」by 沼田まほかる (ぬまたまほかる) There is a film adaption which trailer you can watch here: To be honest, I may not have bought this..

Currently reading a magazine on Moomin and watching the series again

[caption id="attachment_11875" align="alignleft" width="190"] Moe, 2017 dec. ムーミンのこともっと知りたい![/caption] After my déconvenue at the JLTP, I bought this magazine even though I had no idea what it was about, just because I love Moomin. Moe turns out to be a magazine about illustrated books for children and you probably know Moomin, the main character of children books..