Plans for April

I have only read two novels in March, so it’s time for me to refocus on reading more books. Here are my plans for April:

Kogoro Akechi 4 🕵️‍♂️🔎

Of course, I will continue with my reading challenge and read the fourth volume of the Kogoro Akechi. It is a novel of 292 pages, so hopefully I will not spend too much time reading it.

Book Haul 📚💸

Best thing to do to get back into reading is to buy tons of books! I have ordered 15 books, all novels! Some titles belongs to series I want to continue, and some were recommended to me on Twitter.

2 books from my TBR pile 📕💤

And while I wait for my order to arrive, my goal is to read some books I have on my TBR pile. This includes 『満願』 by Honobu Yonezawa (米澤穂信) and 『告白』 by Kanae Minato (湊かなえ), which I bought years ago and still haven’t read 😅

Bookshelves Cleaning 🕸🧹

My bookshelves are a real mess right now, with too little room for too many books and no particular order. I will have to re-arrange everything to accommodate the new books.

New site design 💻🌄

I have been writing my blog for 4 years now, and I start being a little tired of how it looks.

I am trying out different themes (the former one was Zuki by Elma Studio), so things might look a little chaotic on my blog right now.

I also want to try a new drawing style and give my blog a more mature look. I am also working on the tags, which is something I have always neglected.

Finally, I have a new avatar:



I’m learning Japanese, Korean and Chinese to read detective novels in these languages. I post about my reading progress and language study here. Best way to get in touch is on Mastodon 🙂

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