This is the last chapter of the book! I was very surprised by the end, haha, I certainly didn’t expect that. Anyway, I am almost tempted to reread the book right away, to see what I missed and collect more clues!
- 物騒・ぶっそう dangerous, disturbed, insecure
- 克明・こくめい faithful, accurate, elaborate, detailed
- 茶化す・ちゃかす to make fun of, to poke fun at
- 苛立ち・いらだち irritation
- 弁護・べんご defence, pleading, advocacy
- 辻褄・つじつま coherence, consistency
- 揶揄・やゆ banter, raillery, tease
- 切り札・きりふだ trump card
- 翻す・ひるがえす to turn over, to turn around
- 朦朧・もうろう dim, hazy, vague
- 小骨・こぼね small bones
- 度胸・どきょう courage, bravery, nerve
- 忍び込む・しのびこむ to creep in, to steal in
- 一目瞭然・いちもくりょうぜん apparent, obvious, very clear
- ぐらつく to be unsteady, to shake
- 錯乱・さくらん confusion, distraction, derangement
- 貰う is もらう
- 鉢合わせ・はちあわせ bumping of heads, running into, coming across
- 安普請・やすぶしん cheap structure (of houses)
- 完遂・かんすい to accomplish, to carry out
- 鵜呑み・うのみ swallowing (a story)
- 催す・もよおす to feel
- 勿体ぶる・もったいぶる to put on airs, to assume importance
- 破壊・はかい destruction, disruption
- 億劫・おっくう troublesome, annoying
- 生き甲斐・いきがい something one lives for, purpose in life
- 過ち・あやまち fault, error
- 暴露・ばくろ disclosure, exposure, revelation
- 面食らう・めんくらう to be confused, to be bewildered, to be taken aback
- 遮断・しゃだん isolation, cut off, blockade
- 金儲け・かねもうけ money-making
- 脅迫・きょうはく threat, menace
- 値打ち・ねうち value, worth, price, dignity
- 貶める・おとしめる to cause to fall, to make decline
I’m learning Japanese, Korean and Chinese to read detective novels in these languages. I post about my reading progress and language study here. Best way to get in touch is on Mastodon 🙂
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