From page 269 to 309
I will group the remaining parts of chapter 5 into a single post because each part was quite short and there was not much vocabulary to search, mainly because those parts are composed of dialogues which are much easier to understand than description.
Things evolve very fast at the end of our chapter, with all protagonists reunited for the first time in the same room. The chapter leaves us with a terrible cliffhanger, and I realise that I was wrong all along with my own suppositions.
Chapter 5 – 3
- 絞殺・こうさつ strangulation
- 金目・かねめ monetary value
- 脳裏・のうり one’s mind
- 蘇る・よみがえる to be recalled (memories)
- 没頭・ぼっとう immersing oneself
- 怪訝・けげん dubious, puzzled, suspicious
- 罠・わな trap
- 時折・ときおり sometimes
Chapter 5 – 4
- 侵害・しんがい infringement, violation
- 餌・えさ bait
- 取り調べ・とりしらべ investigation, inquiry, examination
- 真摯・しんし sincerity, earnestness
Chapter 5 – 5
- 付け出す・つけだす to add to
- 警戒・けいかい to be vigilant, to be cautious
- 無我夢中・むがむちゅう losing oneself in, being absorbed in
- 予め・あらかじめ beforehand, in advance, previously
- 合致・がっち agreement, conformance
- 途端・とたん as soon as, soon after
- 衝動的・しょうどうてき impulsive
- 迂闊・うかつ careless, stupid
- 頸動脈・けいどうみゃく carotid artery
- 悪戯・いたずら sexual assault, sexual misconduct
- 逡巡・しゅんじゅん hesitation, indecision
- 縛る・しばる to tie, to bind
Chapter 5 – 6
- 狂う・くるう to go mad, to get out of order, to go amiss
- 歪む・ゆがむ to incline, to be distorted, to be bent
- ただならぬ unusual, uncommon
- 懴悔・さんげ repentance, confession, penitence
- ふざける to joke, to mess around
- 筆跡・ひっせき handwriting
- 癒える・いえる to recover, to be healed
- 関与・かんよ participation, taking part in, being concerned in
Chapter 5 – 7
- 当てずっぽう・あてずっぽう conjecture, guesswork
- 的を射る・まとをいる to be to the point, to be pertinent
- 精悍・せいかん fearless
- 竹刀・しない bamboo fencing stick (kendo)
- 面・めん helmet (kendo)
- 引き金・ひきがね trigger
- 気まずい・きまずい unpleasant
- 偽装・ぎそう disguise, camouflage
There is just one chapter left, and we will finally know what actually happened, hehe!
I’m learning Japanese, Korean and Chinese to read mystery novels and play video games in these languages.
Learning languages has always been one of my favourite hobbies, but I’m not a social person, I don’t like to meet new people and make friends, this is just not me. I keep hearing that languages are meant for communication, that we have to actively use them, talk with natives, etc. and for a long time, I thought it was weird to learn languages just to read books, with zero interest in communication.
Now I don’t really care what people think, and this blog helped me a lot to stop doubting myself and just do what I enjoy doing.
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