From page 60 to 65. This is a very interesting story about Suchan’s workplace. It is a very different environment than Maichan’s but she has to face difficulties, too. Especially to keep smooth relationships with a bunch of young girls very sensible. I really like the way the author describes, in very simple drawings and dialogues, the vicissitudes of any working place and the complexity of human relations.
- のんびり carefree, at leisure
- やっぱ seems to be a variant of やっぱり
- 陰で・かげで behind one’s back
- 竹田 is a name, but I don’t know how it is pronounced… maybe たけだ?
- 爪・つめ nail
Wait, is she telling her employee to cut her nails because they are too long? 😲
- きつい sever, hard. I knew this word to say “tight” but I didn’t know it could be used to describe a way of speaking.
- すねる・拗ねる to be peevish, to sulk
- 不機嫌・ふきげん ill humour, displeasure
- ぴりぴり the dictionary says “to tingle, sting” or “become tense”. I guess it’s just an image to convey the idea of something spreading in all directions?
- ムカつく to feel irritated, offended, to feel angry
- 誉める・ほめる to praise. I knew the kanji 褒める. Why do I feel like it’s never the kanji I know that comes out? 😒
- ずらす to put off, to delay, to postpone
- デニーズ is Denny’s, a family restaurant that serves pancakes, coffee and casual dining or something like that. It seems to be popular in many countries but as it doesn’t exist in France I didn’t know it…
- さっぱり I don’t understand this meaning here… さっぱりする usually means “feeling refreshed” but I can hardly believe that the chief’s coming to the shop was “refreshing”. I am not at ease with those kind of words that have so many meanings…
- うっとうしい can mean “gloomy”, “depressing” but I think that it means “irritating”, “troublesome” here.
- 悪役・あくやく the villain’s part
- 団結・だんけつ unity, union
Is she saying that, if there is a villain, the other members of the workplace get united? I don’t know if I understand the Japanese correctly, but it seems to make sense, I have experienced it myself.
- さつまあげ deep-fried ball of fish paste. Now I remember that this word already appeared in one of the first stories.
- うざがる to behave annoyed, to feel annoyed… But, it is in the passive form in the text… うざがられる. What could be the passive form of “to be annoyed”? 😟 Sometimes I just get confused with it.
- ひょっとしたら possibly, perhaps
I’m learning Japanese, Korean and Chinese to read detective novels in these languages. I post about my reading progress and language study here. Best way to get in touch is on Mastodon 🙂
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