
From page 150 to 166. Finally, the first confrontation between Yasumasa and Junichi.

  • 裾・すそ cuff, hem, fringe
  • パタパタ  sound of something thin and light moving through the air
  • 腋・わき I knew the kanji 脇 but not this one. It means, armpit
  • 速断・そくだん jumping to a conclusion
  • 若僧・わかぞう youngster
  • 舶来・はくらい imported, foreign-made
  • イーゼル easel
  • あぐらをかく to sit cross-legged
  • 得体・えたい nature, character
  • 粘着・ねんちゃく adhesion
  • 消滅・しょうめつ extinguishment, termination
  • 鬱陶しい・うっとうしい irritating, troublesome
  • 宙・ちゅう space, air, midair
  • 安易な・あんいな easy, simple
  • 偽・にせ fake
  • 偽装工作・ぎそうこうさく diversionary tactics, disguise
  • 陰毛・いんもう pubic hair
  • 顕微鏡・けんびきょう microscope

I like those parts only composed of dialogues. They are easy to read!

And that’s the end of chapter 3. I would say that now Yasumasa has an overall view of the situation. I wonder how he will concretely act. And I wonder what Kaga thinks!


I’m learning Japanese, Korean and Chinese to read detective novels in these languages. I post about my reading progress and language study here. Best way to get in touch is on Mastodon 🙂

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