
From p46 to 52.

This story focuses on Maichan, I found it funny and a little sad at the same time. It’s much about appearances and pretending, especially when it comes to working relationships. It must be so exhausting to pretend to enjoy doing something we hate…

  • 山下 This is a name, but how do we know if it’s pronounced Yamasaki or Yamashita? Or one of the other 5 or 6 possibilities? 🤔
  • キャバクラ comes from キャバレークラブ “cabaret club”, meaning hostess bar.

Her colleague is so awful… and still, she must pretend to have interest in his son soon entering middle school…

  • 専務・せんむ managing director
  • 新築・しんちく new building, new construction
  • 新築祝い・しんちくいわい housewarming party

Haha, that’s so funny when Maichan thinks 最悪 while being all smiles. 日曜日に専務の新築祝いに行くなんて本当に最悪だね…

  • 泊まる・とまる to stay (for the night)


顔見せてくる・かおみせてくる I like this expression. I didn’t find it in my dictionary, but I guess it means going somewhere to show you were there and then come back.

日曜日あけといて I think that あける means “to keep a day free from other engagements”. といて comes from the grammar point ておく


I’m learning Japanese, Korean and Chinese to read detective novels in these languages. I post about my reading progress and language study here. Best way to get in touch is on Mastodon 🙂

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