The third part of the third chapter, a very challenging part with a lot of vocabulary!
- 懲りる・こりる to learn by experience
- 暗証番号・あんしょうばんごう password number
- 精算・せいさん means fare adjustment. It’s strange here with the 済ませる・すませる It certainly means that the subscription has been stopped.
- かすか faint, dim
- 名残・なごり remains, traces
- 突き止める・つきとめる to determine (a culprit, a cause)
- 忍び込む・しのびこむ to creep in, to steal in
- 堂々・どうどう without hesitation? confidently?
- 予告・よこく preliminary announcement
- 余程・よほど very, greatly
- 親密・しんみつ intimacy
- 嗜好・しこう taste, liking
- 追い返す・おいかえす to turn away, to send away
- 肴・さかな appetizer, snack served with drinks
- 確執・かくしつ discord, antagonism
- 透明・とうめい transparency
- 瞼・まぶた eyelid
- 脇・わき I knew this word as “armpit” but it also means “beside, close to, near”
- 籐製・とうせい rattan
- 籠・かご basket
- 蓋・ふた cover
- 温浴剤・おんよくざい I guess it’s some kind of bath salt
- 吸盤・きゅうばん suction pad
- フック hook
- 羽織る・はおる appears again (it was on the previous part). To put on (clothes)
- 寝かせる・ねかせる to put to bed
- 中肉中背・ちゅうにくちゅうぜい medium build
- 引きずる・ひきずる to drag along
- 偽装・ぎそう disguise, camouflage
- 鋏・はさみ scissors! Still not used to seeing that kanji
- 調節・ちょうせつ regulation, adjustment
- 導線・どうせん conducting wire
- 束ねる・たばねる to tie up in a bundle
- 裂く・さく to cut up
- 致命・ちめい fatal
- 繰り返す・くりかえす to do something over again
- 爪・つめ nail
- 食い込む・くいこむ to eat into
- 拳・こぶし fist
- ぶるぶる shaking, trembling
- 蘇る・よみがえる to be recalled (memories)
- しょっちゅう frequently, often
- 所帯・しょたい household, family
- 痣・あざ birth mark
- 沸騰・ふっとう boiling
- 植え付ける・うえつける to plant
- 償い・つぐない redemption
- 麻痺・まひ paralysis
- 検出・けんしゅつ detection
- 隠滅・いんめつ destruction, suppression
- 合鍵・あいかぎ duplicate key
- 施錠・せじょう locking
- 痙攣・けいれん convulsion, spasm
- 癇に障る・かんにさわる to irritate one, to get on one’s nerves
This was a difficult part with a lot of description and difficult words. There was the same kind of description when Yasumasa entered his sister apartment for the first time, at the beginning of chapter 2. But I guess those parts are vital to follow the investigation course, it’s worth the extra effort.
p.131 戸締まりをしないわけにはいかなかった I like those kind of structures, it seems so complicated just to say: he/she had to close the door.
p.133 勘が当たりました I knew 勘 in the expression 勘が鋭い. But I didn’t know one could say “my intuition was right” in such a way. Useful to know.
勘 ・かん means perception, intuition. 鋭い・するどい means “sharp”, “quick”
I’m learning Japanese, Korean and Chinese to read detective novels in these languages. I post about my reading progress and language study here. Best way to get in touch is on Mastodon 🙂
Haha, I can’t remember them in fact, I hope that writing them down will help me recognize them the next time they appear!