Where the narrator hears for the first time the words “other planet” and try to know more about where the Little Prince comes from. p.17 to 21.
Reading notes
- 何もかも・なにもかも everything
- たまたま accidentally, by chance
- つながる・繋がる to be tied together, to be connected
“飛行機は描かないでおく” I wasn’t aware you could use the ておく grammar with a negative form.
- 大声・おおごえ typically the kind of words for which, if you haven’t learned them, you can guess the meaning but not necessarily the pronunciation.
- 腹が立つ・はらがたつ to get angry, to take offense
We found again the word for emergency landing: 不時着・ふじちゃく I had almost forgotten it!
- 災難・さいなん misfortune
- ハッとする be taken aback, surprised
- ひとすい・一筋 means a long straight object, so combined with 光・ひかり it certainly means a ray of light
- 差す・さす to shine
- すかさず without a moment’s delay
- よそ another place, somewhere else
- 物思い・ものおもい reverie
- しみじみ earnestly, deeply, heartily
- かきたてる・掻き立てる to arouse (interest)
- じっと motionlessly
- 小屋・こや hut, cabin, animal pen
- つなぐ・繋ぐ to tie, to fasten (we had 繋がる・つながる above)
- 結ぶ・むすぶ to tie, to bind
- 杭・くい stake
- 申し出・もうしで proposal
- 気にさわる・きにさわる to hurt one’s feeling
Expressions worth remembering
“まるでおかまいなしのようだった.” He didn’t seem to care at all (meaning here: he didn’t care answering the questions the narrator was asking him). おかまいなし means entre autres unconcerned.
“僕はどんなに興味をかきたてられたことだろう” I’ll try to remember the expression “to arouse interest” 興味を掻き立てる・きょうみをかきたてる
I’m learning Japanese, Korean and Chinese to read mystery novels and play video games in these languages.
Learning languages has always been one of my favourite hobbies, but I’m not a social person, I don’t like to meet new people and make friends, this is just not me. I keep hearing that languages are meant for communication, that we have to actively use them, talk with natives, etc. and for a long time, I thought it was weird to learn languages just to read books, with zero interest in communication.
Now I don’t really care what people think, and this blog helped me a lot to stop doubting myself and just do what I enjoy doing.
One THOUGHTS ON “星の王子さま~3”