Ready for the 4th story of すーちゃん! p.25 to 31. I’ll try to write more from now on, I realize that posting only vocabulary may seem too dictionary-like.
“悪いけど… even if you don’t meant it”. Haha. I remember exactly the first time I learnt ”悪いけど” it was in the Ghibli studio film Ocean Waves. Not my favorite one, but a good one to learn Japanese. When I heard that expression for the first time in the film, I found it very strange because so obviously hypocrite. If you really think that something is bad, why ask for it? That’s why I find what Maichan says so funny.
- 権力・けんりょく power, authority
- 屈折・くっせつ bending, refraction, inflection, warping, distortion…. mmh
- つけ方・つけかた way of affixing sth….
- ねじ曲がる・ねじまがる to be twisted, to be wrapped, to be distorted
Well, to be honest, I don’t understand what Maichan is saying… I have searched for unknown words and I know all the grammar but the first half of p.26 just don’t make sense to me.
If I were just reading for pleasure, I would just skip this part and continue reading. But as I am studying this book, let’s try to become clever.
Maichan says that her reports are perfect but that her boss wants from time to time to show his little authority (in asking her to write them again).
屈折した自信のつけ方、ねじ曲がった心、死んでくれないかな~ ってのはいくらなんでもひどいか消えてくれないかな~
自信の付け方・じしんのつけかた is an expression which means gaining self-confidence, way of being self-confident.
I don’t quite understand the verb 屈折した here… as for the rest, if we assume that she is still speaking of her boss, it could be something like : “His distorted self-confidence, his contorted mind, couldn’t they die? As cruel as it may sounds, couldn’t they disappear?”
Well it does make sense… she knows it is heartless to think such a thing but she would like her chief to loose his confidence so that he won’t be constantly applying his power on her.
- 了解・りょうかい understood
Then she calls her lover, we knew from the second story that she has an affair with a married man.
- 誠実・せいじつ sincere, honest, faithful
- 受け入れる・うけいれる to accept, to receive, to agree. 受け入れさせる・うけいれさせる is the causative form, so: to make sb accept sth. 受け入れさせようとしてる・うけいれさせようとしてる trying to make sb accept sth, make sure sb will accept…
- さつまあげ・薩摩揚 deep-fried ball of fish paste
Suchan tells Maichan that she will bring her 持ってく・もってく some Satsumaage because she got some (I guess, from her work).
Maichan is returning home. Wait, is she actually farting in her kitchen?
- 思いっきり・おもいっきり with all one’s heart
- アナラ・あなら wind, gas, fart
Maichan says that passing wind with all one’s heart is one of the joy of living alone, haha.
- 正当化・せいとうか justification
- 淋しい・さびしい it is another way to write 寂しい, lonely
“雨降れ” haha, I can’t help but feeling sympathy for Maichan’s feelings.
I’m learning Japanese, Korean and Chinese to read detective novels in these languages. I post about my reading progress and language study here. Best way to get in touch is on Mastodon 🙂
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