As I mentioned on Monday, I have finished watching the 10 episodes drama 『シグナル 長期未解決事件捜査班』and I have started a new one this week! I also continued reading the political magazine Sapio. Japanese drama シグナル: final thoughts I have watched maybe 4 or 5 Korean drama entirely in my life and started dozens of them without..
Currently Reading: 「それでも、日本人は戦争を選んだ」by 加藤陽子
I have finally given up reading 「朝鮮開国と日清戦争」by Soki WATANABE because the more I read, the more difficult the book becomes. I was unlucky in my choice when I picked a History book, I should have bought a popular book written for a large public. Watanabe's book was maybe too specialised for me. As I don't..
Currently reading: 「朝鮮開国と日清戦争」by 渡辺惣樹
Some days ago, I saw this book piled up in a bookshop in Seoul: 「朝鮮開国と日清戦争 アメリカはなぜ日本を支持し、朝鮮を見限ったか」by 渡辺惣樹 (わたなべ・そうき) [caption id="attachment_12361" align="alignleft" width="205"] 「朝鮮開国と日清戦争」by 渡辺惣樹 (草思社文庫)[/caption] They have a decent selection of non-fiction books in Japanese, but not so much space that they would pile up a lot of titles. So naturally, my attention was drawn to this..
NHK radio journal’s “シリーズ戦争を考える”: War orphan ~ 小倉勇さん
This week, the NHK radio journal has started a series to commemorate the end of the war. I listened to the first episode and, as usual, was totally unable to follow what was being said. I understood enough to know that a man in his 80's (whose name is M. Ogura) was talking about his..