This humorous mystery is certainly my least favourite book by Jokichi Hikage but still an entertaining read.
This humorous mystery is certainly my least favourite book by Jokichi Hikage but still an entertaining read.
A murder mystery that both takes place in reality and in a dream inspired by Alice in Wonderland. Even though I enjoyed some aspects of this book, the dream parts were a bit too absurd and fantastical to me, with references and humour that were hard to understand as a language learner.
Two detectives working together to solve crimes. One is specialised in 「不可能」cases, the other in「不可解」cases. While they both excel in their area, they could hardly solve a murder without the other…
I finished reading the first novel of my 2018 reading challenge (read one novel in Japanese a month in 2018). I chose a very short one to begin with: 「噓を愛する女」by 岡部えつ(おかべえつ). To summarize briefly the story, Yukari (由香里), a successful working woman pushing 30, is living with her boyfriend Kippei (桔平), who does not seem..