A simple mystery novel that won the Mystery Writers of Japan Award. Even though the end might be a bit foreseeable, the mystery is a pleasant read all along.
A simple mystery novel that won the Mystery Writers of Japan Award. Even though the end might be a bit foreseeable, the mystery is a pleasant read all along.
A story about love, family and grief adapted into films by Korean director Lee Jang-hoon (지금 만나러 갑니다).
世界から猫が消えたなら・せかいからねこがきえたなら is a novel by 川村元気・かわむらげんき. A film based on the novel was released last year. I haven't seen the film but I plan to. Even if I am posting this in the "currently reading" category of my blog, I am not really reading this book, I am listening to the audiobook. I bought it..