This is Gaku Yakumaru’s debut novel. It won the Edogawa Rampo Prize.
This is Gaku Yakumaru’s debut novel. It won the Edogawa Rampo Prize.
Gaku Yakumaru is a popular author of mystery novels and thrillers. Recently, one of his novel has been a huge best-seller in Korea (where I live). The novel is 『誓約』 , and I have read and liked it. When I was in Japan for a short trip earlier this year, I saw that Gaku Yakumaru..
Gaku Yakumaru is a well-known author of thrillers and mystery novels in Japan. The Korean translation of『誓約』is a huge hit, it was the top-selling novel of the biggest online and offline bookshops of the country. Setting Satoshi MUKAI lives with his wife and daughter and works in the same bar for 15 years. One day,..