
From page 150 to 166. Finally, the first confrontation between Yasumasa and Junichi. 裾・すそ cuff, hem, fringe パタパタ  sound of something thin and light moving through the air 腋・わき I knew the kanji 脇 but not this one. It means, armpit 速断・そくだん jumping to a conclusion 若僧・わかぞう youngster 舶来・はくらい imported, foreign-made イーゼル easel あぐらをかく to sit cross-legged 得体・えたい nature, character 粘着・ねんちゃく adhesion 消滅・しょうめつ extinguishment, termination 鬱陶しい・うっとうしい irritating,..


The 4th part of chapter 3 goes from page 134 to 149. A new confrontation between Kaga and Yasumasa! 濃紺・のうこん dark blue 捺印・なついん affixing a seal 兆候・ちょうこう sign, indication, symptom 苛立つ・いらだつ to be irritated 口元・くちもと the mouth 鑑識・かんしき judgement, discernment. But I guess that here it means: forensics, crime lab ニキビ pimple, acne 晒す・さらす to expose (to the public) 繋がり・つながり connection, relationship 経営者・けいえいしゃ manager,..


The third part of the third chapter, a very challenging part with a lot of vocabulary! 懲りる・こりる to learn by experience 暗証番号・あんしょうばんごう password number 精算・せいさん means fare adjustment. It's strange here with the 済ませる・すませる It certainly means that the subscription has been stopped. かすか faint, dim 名残・なごり remains, traces 突き止める・つきとめる to determine (a culprit, a cause) 忍び込む・しのびこむ to creep in, to steal in..