I haven't read that much in June compared to the previous months, but I still managed to complete my June challenge of 4 books. I read two books of the Galileo series, one children's book with furigana and one novelisation. Finished! Galileo series 2 and 3: 『予知夢』 and 『容疑者Xの献身』 by Keigo Higashino (東野圭吾) I found..
May wrap up: starting the Galileo series!
I finished two short novels and I am starting the Galileo series by Keigo Higashino!
Reading Journal: May 2020
I am currently reading one nonfiction book and a novel that I find very easy to read. I also finished 4 books since April 15th!
Reading Journal: April 2020
In this post, I talk about the novels I have recently finished and the ones that I am currently reading: 8 titles in total 🙂
Reading Journal: March 2020
I have read more than usual in the past month! Here are the books that I have just finished and the ones that I am currently reading.
Reading Journal: February 2020
An overview of the four books I am currently reading, from the easiest one to the most difficult one.