Japanese News: July week 1

The topics I studied this week are: The labour reform: a recap Post-Abe: a list of the 5 candidates who could succeed Abe Football: Politicians' reactions to the last match and a Korean digression The execution of Aum Leader Matsumoto. Labour reform On Friday 29th, the Diet enacted the Labour Reform bill. Despite many criticisms,..

Japanese News: June week 4

Politician criticises the press Let's start this post with a shocking statement by Taro ASO, who is both Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. Seeing that the LDP had received high support among people under 30 during previous elections, he used this result to criticise the press. He said: "一番新聞を読まない世代だ。読まない人は全部自民党(の支持)だ." To me, this is..

Japanese News: June week 3

Only two main topics this week! The Diet session and M. Kake's press conference: Japanese supporters clean up the stadium after winning against Colombia On Tuesday, Japan won its first match (2-1) of this year's World Cup against Colombia. What struck observers, however, is how Japanese supporters took the time to clean up after themselves..

Japanese News: June week 2

These are the topics that I found interesting this week! As usual, I have skipped all international matters. Fukushima (imperial visit and dismantling) The attack in the Shinkansen Wedding anniversary Hakamada case (paragraph break down and some reflexions on Japanese grammar) Majority at 18 Fukushima Imperial visit It is the sixth time that the Emperor..

Japanese News: May week 5

There are 5 weeks in May... 😲 Let's start with a very interesting survey by Mainichi: 次期自民総裁石破氏20%、小泉氏17%、安倍氏16%. To be honest, I don't quite understand the article, but what interests me is the survey in itself. At the end of the article, the results are given in details. We see at once that 48% of the people..

Japanese News: May week 4

A lot has happened this week, and it was hard to follow everything! There are important topics that I have skipped, but here is what I found interested this week: Palme d'Or for Hirokazu Kore-Eda! Hirokazu Kore-Eda won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival for his film 万引き家族 or, in English, Shoplifters! 😃 是枝裕和・これえだ ひろかず:..

Japanese News: May week 3

This week, I had the feeling that everything I tried to read was too difficult... It happens I guess... 😐 Some survey Last week, I wrote about Yanase's answers to the Diet concerning the Kake Gakuen scandal. He kept saying that he did not report his activities to Abe and that the Prime Minister did..

Japanese News: May week 2

Here are some articles that caught my eye in the news this week! Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2018 Around 7000 persons participated in Tokyo Rainbow Parade 2018 on Sunday (6th): 「愛に平等を」 7000人行進. The Tokyo Rainbow Pride took place for the first time in 2012, so it was the seventh edition this year. At first, I didn't understand the..

Japanese News: May week 1

Order of the Rising Sun On Sunday (29th), the government announced the recipients of the Order of the Rising Sun. Beat Takeshi ビートたけし (Takeshi KITANO) received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette: たけし“らしく”喜び「これを糧にノーベル賞目指す」(スポニチ). I stumbled across a lot of unknown words in this article: 叙勲・じょくん: bestowal of an order. The verb 叙勲する means..

Japanese News: April Week 3

I have decided to stop using the site NHK to write my post because the links get broken very soon. So this time, all the sources come from mainichi.jp. I focused more on politics this week. Demonstration against Abe On Saturday (14th), 30,000 demonstrators were protesting before the Diet building: 安倍政権退陣迫る 森友・加計問題で3万人. On the video, we can..